Unternehmen des Monats Dezember 2023



Innovation, know-how, reliability and vision.

This is how we plan the future of Geoinformatics in Greece!

Who we are

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is a Greek technology SME founded in 2009 with offices in Athens, Mets and Heraklion, Crete. Has a German minority shareholder Geosystems GmbH / fully acquired by OHB SE, operating in Greece, Cyprus and abroad. The company's workforce consists of 25 engineers with permanent employment and a range of project-specific partners.

We operate dynamically in the field of Geoinformatics with a continuous upward trend, offering sophisticated products and services of high-quality earth observation / downstream space applications, establishing our position at the forefront of technological innovations with participation in many commercial projects, current contracts with the European Space Agency (ESA), but also in more than 20 H2020 & Horizon Europe research projects, both national and transnational.

The main specialization of GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS focuses on

  • observation of the built environment and its changes, including Smart City and road applications (roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, ports, dams),
  • security
  • shipping
  • cultural heritage/monuments and intangible cultural heritage, having as clients the German and Austrian School of Archaeology

with clients in both the public and private sectors.

[GSH] has undertaken major projects as a downstream technologies system integrator (imagery, IoT, telecommunications, application development) combining the latest technological trends to offer its clients innovative customized solutions including WebGIS platforms for Decision Support Systems, providing high quality deliverables tailormade to the end user/client's need.

The [GSH] is a member

  • of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC)
  • the Hellenic Association of Space Industries (HASI)
  • funded member of the si-cluster (the only Greek space cluster and the CEO of the company is acting for 2022-3 as Scientific Coordinator in the new phase of the si-cluster "Space 4.0"

Currently, the CEO of the company has been elected as Director of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), EARSC representative in the GEO Post-2025 working group, and chairs the EARSC Open Source WG. She has also been elected to the board of the Hellenic Space Industry Association (HASI) and si-cluster (Technical Director for SPACE 4.0). She is the national representative in ISO TC 20/SC 14/WG 8 on space services and space applications.

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS invests in certification and quality, holds ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 22301:2019 & ISO 14001:2015 and for the security of its facilities it has a National Secret-NATO SECRET-EU SECRET level classification certificate in accordance with the provisions of the National Industrial Security Regulation (N.I.S.R), by a competent department of the Hellenic Defence Forces.

What we do

The company has 3 departments:

1. [GSH] is commercially active as an authorized reseller in Greece and Cyprus of Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial and Hexagon Airborne Solutions. As a consultant in commercial environmental, photogrammetric, remote sensing projects for land management, crisis management and spatial data infrastructure implementation (INSPIRE directive) but also for the integration of complex issues related to Earth observation, IoT and 4/5G.

2. [GSH] focuses on industrial projects covering value-added services for the space market, including Earth observation and navigation applications, business development and project management support. He is involved in service delivery projects, business solutions /Smart M.Apps, smart cities /IoT technology trends.

3. [GSH] participates in R&D projects based on the above expertise. It is deeply involved in Big Data and Data Fusion and machine learning/deep learning techniques for European and National projects in Greece and the creation of infrastructure for spatial information (Metadata, Data Specifications, Data and Services Sharing and Monitoring and Reporting).

GSH's main purpose and objective is to automate the tools offered, thus ensuring the highest possible return on the client's investment fully tailored to their needs.

Its proven expertise has been gained from the execution of a wide range of projects. Solutions integrate sensors, software, domain knowledge and customer workflows into intelligent information ecosystems that provide actionable insights used across a wide range of vital industries. Has extensive expertise in defining business requirements/scenarios in areas of data exchange/sharing in an interoperable manner.

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is an authorized distributor of Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial and Hexagon Airborne Solutions in Greece and Cyprus. 

  • Remote Sensing
  • Photogrammetry
  • GIS
  • Smart M.Apps

Remote Sensing

Deploy the world’s most widely-used remote sensing software solution, combining imagery, terrain, RADAR, and point cloud data sources to extract rich information that cannot be detected through visual inspection alone. Our remote sensing software enables you to:

  • Create remarkable value-added products seamlessly and simply through automated and wizard- driven workflows.
  • Create and train specialized artificial intelligence algorithms to detect objects and classify or segment images.
  • Combine our next-generation spatial modeler with your ingenuity and greatly expand your problem-solving capabilities.
  • Optimize your hardware investment by distributing batch processes across a network of computers, saving time and money.


Connect large quantities of raw imagery and transform them into reliable layers for digital mapping, GIS raster analysis and 3D visualization of the earths surface. Our photogrammetry products allow you to:

  • Collect and update features for your enterprise GIS using photogrammetric techniques.
  • Employ a single, seamless, process-driven workflow for triangulation, terrain generation and editing, ortho-mosaic creation, and 3D feature extraction.
  • Leverage our photogrammetric expertise with extensions for real stereo visualization and precise 3D feature and terrain collection within other geospatial environments (such as microstation, Esri, and more).


Our complete GIS package is a flexible solution for creating, updating, managing, and analyzing your organization’s valuable geospatial information. Highly specialized functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of ever-changing data. With our GIS products, you can:

  • Generate and update vector layers, perform dynamic spatial analysis and reports, and automatically create and update maps while managing data and map production more efficiently.
  • Exploit the power of your corporate database with support for extensive native spatial data-types, and with no middleware required.


Manage and disseminate your geospatial data on the Web. Create standardized Web Services for browser applications to allow open access to your data through interactive Web Maps.

  • Use out-of-the-box browser-based webGIS apps to find, view query, analyze and consume geospatial data and services.
  • Create interactive web maps using user-defined data and services.
  • Establish interoperable and scalable spatial data infrastructure to manage and serve secure or licensed information using standardized web-services.

Smart M.Apps

Develop your own Smart M.Apps to suit your needs using a user-friendly cloud-based platform that enables you to configure vertical solutions for your industry. Smartly monitor real-word changes, evaluate the impact and act on the result on a single unified platform digital twin. Smart M.Apps development platform allows you to:T

  • The recording and monitoring of infrastructure data, road networks, vehicle traffic, meteorological data and IoT measurements from multiple sensors.
  • The use of machine learning algorithms to visualise data in two and three dimensions, and the creation of interactive spatio-temporal analysis tools.
  • The exploitation of the advantages of on-cloud technology that enables access to the platform online from remote locations and mobile devices, as well as the establishment of workflows for using the platform and collecting information from field workers.

In addition, GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is a provider of high and very high resolution satellite imagery. Depending on the customer's needs and specifications, we propose the optimal solution for each application. We also provide data to monitor a phenomenon at regular intervals. Indicative applications: legalization of buildings, vegetation monitoring, coastline monitoring, etc.

Indicative applications: arbitrary settlement, vegetation monitoring, shoreline monitoring, etc.

Ongoing Commercial and R&D Projects (Indicative examples)

«Digitisation of the Army Geographical Service's Longitudinal Aerial Photograph Archive - Development and Provision of Digital Services» - Ongoing

The project aims to digitise the existing historical archive of the Geographical Service of the Hellenic Army in order to create an open database of georeferenced aerial photographs and high-resolution orthophotos. GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is responsible for the supply, maintenance and operation of two Leica DSW700 photogrammetric scanners for the scanning and radiometric correction of 290,000 aerial photographs in the form of negative film rolls - black and white or colour - with a resolution of 2000 dpi. In addition, it provides the supply, maintenance and operation of 20 ERDAS Imagine Photogrammetry systems, as exclusive reseller in Greece and Cyprus of Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial software solutions, for the purpose of aerial triangulation of scanned material for the production of orthophotomaps from 380,000 scanned aerial photographs and other relevant data. 

"Koinopraxia Motorway of Central Greece E-65".

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS has successfully completed the surveying of the topographic background using LiDAR system along with aerial photography, for the needs of performing flood protection works in areas of the Central Greece Motorway (E-65), which has been undertaken by "Koinopraxia Motorway of Central Greece E-65".



GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS has successfully completed the services "Development of an Information System for the Documentation and Analysis of Geospatial Data" and "Mapping of the Evolution of the Evros River Delta over Time using Satellite Imagery" for the Management Authority of the Protected Areas of the Evros and Samothrace Delta. In particular, in the first part of the contract, the installation and configuration of the geospatial data processing and mapping software on desktop computers and tablets was carried out. At the same time, the employees of the Agency were trained in the above software and a user manual was delivered. In the second part of the contract, maps of changes for the time frame 2000 to 2020 were created using free and commercial satellite data. Finally, the staff of the Entity was trained to identify changes over time using these maps.



GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS undertook the upgrade of the existing Hexagon Geospatial software of the Payment and Control Agency for Community Aid for Guidance and Guarantee - OPEKEPE as well as the supply of new software. 



GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS together with EMTEC Space P.C., ISD S.A., HERON Engineering, LEO Photonics, AUTH, EKPA and the School of Naval Cadets, will create the first twin Greek CubeSat Earth observation mission in the framework of the "HELLENIC SPACE DAWN" project - ongoing. The project partners will design, build, test, and then orbit and operate the two Hellenic Space Dawn cubesats (named Selene and Helios).

Selene and Helios, carrying remote Earth observation receivers, will have a frequency of 5 times a day and at least once a night.

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is responsible for the ground control and processing station (Payload Data Ground Segment) as well as for the processing algorithms and AI services for specific remote sensing applications (rapid mapping, change detection, etc.). The Hellenic Space Dawn ground station will have two distinct subsystems: a) the acquisition and pre-processing subsystem, and b) the remote sensing applications subsystem. The former is responsible for the acquisition, processing and sharing of data for public use, and the latter performs processing for specific remote sensing applications both systematically and on demand. Some of these applications involve emergency mapping and will have the ability to give cubesats download scheduling commands over specific areas for as long as needed.


GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS, together with LuxSpace and UniLu-SnT, will create an innovative solution for the detection of undetected vessels from AIS systems, meeting the requirements of maritime operators, designed with a user-centric focus on scalability and adaptability- ongoing. By integrating data from multiple sources, satellite data (EO), AIS data, and radio frequency (RF) data, along with machine learning technologies, MAGINet enhances maritime situational awareness, improves vessel detection accuracy, and supports proactive decision making.

GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS within the MAGINet project has undertaken the collection of Earth Observation (EO) data, providing the fundamental data for the development of the system. GSH is leading the development of vessel detection methodologies, utilizing advanced Machine Learning technologies. In addition, GSH has a key role in the technical aspects of the project, including the implementation and integration of satellite image processing algorithms (optical & radar) into the GSIN Demonstrator. Their responsibilities further extend to providing technical support for the formulation and execution of the performance test and development plan, highlighting their role in ensuring the success of the project.


The TRIQUETRA project aims to create a Decision Support System (DSS) that allows the assessment and reduction of risks to monuments and heritage sites and integrates a data base (Knowledge Base Platform) with available measures and mitigation strategies, which will be created by GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS-ongoing

The data collection within the project provides a comprehensive picture of all parameters directly or indirectly related to Climate Change, comparing them with corresponding historical data. Furthermore, new innovative recording and documentation methods will be used.

The DSS and the technologies developed in the project will be tested in real-life conditions at 8 pilot sites in 6 different European countries, including the archaeological site of Kalapodiou in Fthiotida, which was discovered in the excavations started in 1974 by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), which is participating in the project as a partner invited by our company.

In summary, the objectives of the project include understanding the threats of climate change at a global level, enabling new solutions for the protection and management of cultural heritage sites in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, promoting intercultural cooperation while involving citizens and educating young people, and monitoring, safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage and cultural diversity. Finally, GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS is also responsible for the communication, dissemination and exploitation of the results of the programme. 

Our philosophy

The heart of our philosophy is to meet the needs of our customers, taking into account the requirements of the times.

  • We invest in the continuous training of our staff in order to continuously upgrade the solutions and services offered to our customers in a cutting-edge technology.
  • We believe in evolution and invest in state-of-the-art technology, products and services that meet the increasing demands of our time.
  • We focus on "customer satisfaction" which we consider as a growth driver for new projects, but also the best "marketing"! the trust of the market makes us strive to be better!

Our Values

Our Values

Our Team